

第一部分 英汉互译(二选一)
Daylight Saving Time: Why Does It Exist?
The reason the United States and many other countries, mostly in the West, shift to daylight saving time is contentious and confusing, and some of the more popular explanations are not grounded in reality. (It isn’t for farmers, as you may have learned in school.)
The general concept is to move an hour of sunlight from the early morning, when many would sleep through it, to the evening, when you could most likely do more with the light.
“For most people, an extra hour of daylight in the evening after work or after school is much more usable than the hour of daylight in the morning,” said David Prerau, the author of “Seize the Daylight.”
The idea was originally rooted in saving candle wax, not electricity.
Historians have traced the notion back to Benjamin Franklin, who realized he was sleeping through some daylight hours while visiting Paris in the 18th century. He suggested French officials shoot cannons at sunrise to jolt people out of bed, optimizing the amount of hours they spent awake when it’s light out. That way, they could cut down on using candles to light their homes while awake, Mr. Prerau said.
But the first idea to move the clock hands came from William Willett, who unsuccessfully proposed it to the British Parliament in 1908. Germany, however, seeking cost savings during World War I, heard the idea and enacted it in 1915. Three weeks later, the British followed, and other world powers were close behind, including the United States in 1918.
Reducing energy consumption is still often cited as a chief driver of daylight saving time, but experts can’t agree on whether that is actually a result. There have been many conflicting studies.
Mr. Downing said the idea was originally based on having “an eight-hour economy,” but electricity demand is no longer based on sunrises and sunsets — not when there’s air conditioning.


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第一部分 英汉互译(各一篇) 
A Prehistoric Killer, Buried In Muck(Excerpt)
On a sunny January morning outside Richmond Hill, Georgia, Bill Eberlein, a fifty-two-year-old former I.T. specialist, went diving in a local creek. He wore a wetsuit, a drysuit, a dive hood, and an orange kayaking helmet affixed with a waterproof headlamp, whose ten thousand lumens would afford him six inches of visibility under the murky water. Eberlein—soft-spoken, blue-eyed, big-bellied, with curly dark hair and a long face—had worked this stretch of creek bed before. He has devoted the past eight years of his life to hunting, collecting, and selling the fossilized teeth of the Megalodon, an immense species of prehistoric shark. His destination, a depression forty feet down into the flowing ochreous void, had in the past proved a honeypot. Now, as usual, he would have to search it using only his gloved hands. “Every once in a while you grab something and it moves,” he told me, with characteristic blasé.
When picturing the Megalodon, whose name in Greek means “big tooth,” it is easiest to imagine a modern great white, only four or five times more great. Megs, as collectors call them, could grow as long as sixty feet, making them the largest known sharks in history. They lived between twenty-three and 2.6 million years ago, well after the dinosaurs and well before humans. Their distribution was global—teeth have been found on nearly every continent. But, beyond that, according to Kenshu Shimada, a professor of paleobiology at DePaul University, “There are a lot of things that we still don’t know.” Sharks’ skeletons are made of cartilage, which degrades easily, so questions like what the Megalodon ate, what, precisely, it looked like, and why it went extinct are difficult to answer. Its teeth, fortunately, age well, and are common along low-country coasts from North Carolina to Florida.
文章选自:New Yorker http://www.newyorker.com/tech/elements/a-prehistoric-killer-buried-in-muck


文章选自:南方周末《金牌越多,赚的越少?》 http://www.infzm.com/content/11924

第二部分:技术传播 (40分)

The Minimalist approach to technical documentation began around 1982 with the work of John Carroll and his colleagues at IBM.
Minimalism is a design philosophy. Minimalism is a use-centered approach because its priority lies in supporting usage of an application. It is also a user-centered approach because it adapts to the audience as much as possible. The principles and heuristics of minimalism are not rules to be followed blindly or rigorously; they “merely” afford better designs. In addition, they work well only in combination with a thorough treatment of basic design issues such as context, audience and task analyses.
Minimalism helps reduce training time while increasing learning. Research generally reports a reduction of training time of around 30% and a learning gain of at least 25% compared to other designs. In addition, minimalism reduces production cost because the documentation is always considerably shorter than the original.
Companies such as IBM, Hewlett Packard, Apple Macintosh, Claris Corporation, Lucent Technologies and Microsoft are applying minimalism for developing products like manuals and online help.

——材料来源于荷兰屯特大学副教授Hans van der Meij的文章http://users.edte.utwente.nl/meij/minimalism.htm

1. 尽量挖掘小程序的功能与玩法。
2. 尽量采用材料二的原则。